Is there a fundamental difference between netsend/netreceive and sendOSC/dumpOSC?
Does netsend and netreceive not work for OSC?
Netsend vs sendOSC
Is there a fundamental difference between netsend/netreceive and sendOSC/dumpOSC?
Does netsend and netreceive not work for OSC?
Got my answer.
netsend uses FUDI while sendOSC uses OSC. But sendOSC/dumpOSC are no longer maintained. Use mrpeach's [packOSC], [unpackOSC], [udpsend] and [updreceive]
good information, thank you
Dual 1.8 IBM G5: Mac OSX 10.4.11 -- Asus eeePC 701: Pure:Dyne / eeeXubuntu GNU/Linux --
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