Is there a way to access Release velocity so I can change it to another message type?
The notein seems to only have note #, attack velocity, and channel.
Release Velocity? (Note Off velocity)
Is there a way to access Release velocity so I can change it to another message type?
The notein seems to only have note #, attack velocity, and channel.
Hello, it seems you are confused with ADSR envelope, and MIDI protocol.
ADSR = attack decay sustain release
[notein] will only receive note number, velocity, and channel, and for the other parameters you will need to use [ctlin] that receive controller number , amount, and channeL
The make-up of "Release" can be done with the object [line] at the velocity output of [notein], it also could be manipulated in real time with using [ctlin].
Thanks for the reply, but - release velocity is transmitted by some keyboards.
It's how fast you let go of the key and it's transmitted kinda like a note off velocity.
In midiox, it shows up just like velocity on note off (but changes value according to how fast you release your key).
Anyways, does anyone have a clue on how to do this?
I would be most appreciative!
Indeed, the original midi specs give separate headers for noteon and noteoff messages being 0x80, K, V, - Note Off and 0x90, K, V Note On, where K and V are 7 bit key and velocity values, or 1001xxxx and 1000xxxx for the headers as they actualy appear on the UART (physical layer) with the nybble xxxx being the channel.
Problem - about 1987/88 a widespread assumption started to be that noteoff K=x V=0 could replace the authentic noteoff for Key x, so a lot of hardware manufacturers started using this too.
Totally stupid!!! (which is another reason why midi is the bastard spawn of Beelzebub)
Grepping for noteoff in x_midi.c I don't see any handler for an authentic noteoff header, which makes noteoff velocity impossible in Pd unless you want to add it to the source and recompile.
Solution - trap the noteoff velocity somewhere else before Pd and convert it to a controller message. Sorry, that's the best I can suggest right now.
Use the Source.
when you go off the key, a noteon with velocity 0 is transmitted, so it should be possible to take this message for triggering the release process with.
PS: with [stripnote] you can also remove this reluctant noteon.
Oops! Looks like something went wrong!