I would like to know if someone know how to link the signal in pure data receive by the wii and another file in pure data like for example an instrument created in pure data???
thank you
Wiii and pure data
I would like to know if someone know how to link the signal in pure data receive by the wii and another file in pure data like for example an instrument created in pure data???
thank you
I think generally the way people do it is using another application that reads Wii and sends OSC out. can't rememeber what it's called, and can't remember if there is already a Wii object try searching Wiimote or [wiimote] whatever. and does [hid] not work?
Dual 1.8 IBM G5: Mac OSX 10.4.11 -- Asus eeePC 701: Pure:Dyne / eeeXubuntu GNU/Linux -- myspace.com/thearifd
I believe OSCulator is the application arif is refering to. There's an object called [aka.wiimote] that was made for Max/MSP and ported to Pd, but from what I've read on the list it doesn't work so well.
i detected the wii by osculator and then i detected the wii in pure data in entering : dumpOSC 5601 ect....
but then i have an instrument in PD that i want to link to the PD file of the wii, (is that not so confusing?!!!:)) and i don't know how...
@Laly said:
i detected the wii by osculator and then i detected the wii in pure data in entering : dumpOSC 5601 ect....
but then i have an instrument in PD that i want to link to the PD file of the wii, (is that not so confusing?!!!:)) and i don't know how...
I guess that you have one PD patch with your instrument and another one with the
OSC things to get the Wii parameters values. To make them talking to each other, just use a [send] <-> [receive] link, or put your Wii OSC patch in a new subpatch inside
the instrument one.
Then you just have to adapt the range of the Wii values (0 - 1023) to the range needed by your instrument parameters ( 0 - 1 or 0 - 127 or whatever ) using the [range] object or by dividing them. I have used the Wii with OSCulator to control sound level, filter frequency, geos moves or colors...
Hope this helps
ok thank,
do you have a file to send just for example?,
i'm a beginner of PD and wii... so, it' s not very easy..eheh!!
thank you
I made a small open source program for OSX: http://code.google.com/p/musiccontroller/downloads/list
In the download page you may find also a pd patch to check the data sent from the wiimote.
Hope this helps
hello davebv
i tried your patche but i don't know why it didn't work,
i changed the dump0SC number to the approriate want but it still not working..
do you know why?
does wii connect computer through wifi ip or bluetooth ?
I mean wiimote controller
in fact,i used to deteted the wiii by osculator,
with one patch have got, i can detected the wii in pure data but i
don't know how to link one of the axes,for example the X axe to one sequencer,
the sound don't change according how i move the wii on the axe x,
the ppatch of davebv seems to be more appropriate to what i want to do because it separates the x y z very clearly,
but when i move the wii anything happens (values don't change)...
i put the appropriate port on osc and pure data (dump 5601)
thank for your help
@Laly said:
in fact,i used to deteted the wiii by osculator,
with one patch have got, i can detected the wii in pure data but i
don't know how to link one of the axes,for example the X axe to one sequencer,
the sound don't change according how i move the wii on the axe x
So, in puredata, where you have a number/value object reprasenting the X-axis, hook up that number object into [osc~] into [dac~] now you have the Wii X axis controlling the frequency of a sine wave. that's it! you've done it.
@Laly said:
the ppatch of davebv seems to be more appropriate to what i want to do because it separates the x y z very clearly,
but when i move the wii anything happens (values don't change)...
i put the appropriate port on osc and pure data (dump 5601)
thank for your help
if you can recieve the wii values in one of your patches, but not in the patch by davebv. you're doing something wrong.
Dual 1.8 IBM G5: Mac OSX 10.4.11 -- Asus eeePC 701: Pure:Dyne / eeeXubuntu GNU/Linux -- myspace.com/thearifd
I am so sorry did not answer sooner.
I suppose you use pd-extended for mac, and the wiimote is connecting to the musiccontroller. So what you have to do is press the "connect button"
If pd and music controller are in the same computer, you have to leave and the ports must be equal in both programs.
If you are sending osc through the network, just put the IP of the computer which is running PD.
Maybe you changed the destination path?
Hi Davebv
Is the MusicController program available for Windows?
I am using Windows 7
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