I'm trying to use a firewire capture box with pix_video. Here's my setup:
OS: Ubuntu 8.04
Pd: 0.40.3-extended
capture device: "Hollywood Dazzle"
I can capture using Kino or dvgrab. Coriander can't see the device. Modprobing a variety of different modules, I can get /dev/video1394/0, /dev/dv1394/0, or /dev/raw1394.
In Pd, I've tried setting the device to all of those. When I open the gem window, I just get this error:
get capabilities: Invalid argument
and the window is just white.
I read through an older thread on gem-dev and tried chris clepper's texture mode suggestion, but it didn't change anything.
I can't tell if the "get capabilities" error is a death error or just a warning.
thanks in advance,