> I ran out of keys so I use those braces which is a veery bad idea.
But not an obvious or expected one - The quotes should have contained it,
so that's proper parsing error you discovered there, well done!! 
It's one that should be filed as a bug so please make a report (someone)
> If you really check it out, I actually use & modified a bit your patch
> at "lost in Translation'
Perhaps you could recommend some effects
> as that's my next step with this piece. I'll post the final outcome
> here when it's finish.
Cool. I am interested in algorithmic composition, in an enthusiastic
amateur sort of way, not knowing much about music. Look forward
to hearing how it turns out.
> Thanks & appreciate it a lot Obiwannabe as well as hardoff...
> Wheow! it's a release 
> Now I think I would not do subpatches within the file i.e. [pd xxxPatch].
The subpatch approach you have is fine. Suggest you start to work making numbered versions
of such a big patch, so you have fallback versions.
> Btw, how did you figure it out...
Good question. Nothing clever, but for the benefit of future problems it's called divide and conquer.
Pd programs don't have much structure. Unlike a C program with classes and functions that need declaring etc, they are just a long netlist of objects, connections and container definitions. So you can split a Pd
program anywhere you see #canvas and the interpreter will swallow it. Now, since your program had a catastrophic failure it wasn't going to get any worse, so I started by cutting the program in half. One half loaded okay (with lots of missing bits and lots of errors, but it loaded). The other half borked the interpreter as before. So I cut that one in half and did it again. Eventually there were about 10 lines of code left and that line with the bracket raised an eyebrow for some reason... gut instinct