I am trying to use [plugin~ plate] which should load steve harris plate reverb plugin preinstalled on ubuntu 24.04 which i use.
apt install ladspa-sdk
apt install swh-plugins
to install.
In ardour 8 it works fine on the same machine.
in pd vanilla (0.54.1) and pd-l2ork(v20241224) i get this error
error: plugin~: Unable to find LADSPA plugin "plate" within library "/usr/lib/ladspa/caps.so"
error: plugin~: Unable to open plugin 'plate' in '/usr/lib/ladspa/caps.so'
it is the only plugin that doesn't work (!) all others from the steve harris collection and the ladpsa work. I tested a bunch, not all, but as said the plate plugin works in ardour.
does anybody have an idea what could cause the issue ore even know how to solve it?