Hi, I have both vanilla and CEAMMC installed in ubuntu 18.04 and have Jack configured, open and runnning. for some reason Jack is available and works fine in vanilla but is not showing up in either audio preferences or in the media menu in CEAMMC (so not working). I'm guessing this issue is to do with CEAMMC and not with my Jack configs as jack audio is working fine in vanilla.
Does anyone have any ideas why this might be.
If not, does anyone know how i can import the extra objects from CEAMMC into vanilla? in particular the GUI control objects such as [slider 2d], [breakpoint function] and [presets].
in the image below the left version of pd is vanilla (with jack working) and the right one is CEAMMC (no jack/ no audio).
By the way I have tried closing both versions and reopening CEAMMC on it's own and it still doesn't work.