The abstraction [pix] allows to draw images that are in plain PPM format directly onto the patch. Any image can be converted into PPM using graphic software like GIMP or others. The images are displayed in full RGB color.
There is also [pix-ds], which is much faster, as it uses data structures. It only uses the reduced color space of data structures. [pix-ds] still has a border on the right and bottom. Sorry!
[pix] uses canvases to create the image. Depending on the image size, the number of canvases can get very large and it may take a long time to display the image and also to close the patch! [pix-ds] will run into the same issues. Images will also add up! Use with care!
Due to the limitations of the Pd GUI this is just a nerdy fun project and may not be really usable for a serious task.
Anyhow, enjoy!