I've been doing a bunch of experiments with PD on a Raspberry Pi, with custom-built MIDI control via a Teensy microcontroller. I've been using Raspbian lite with no GUI. This was working really well until recently.
For various reasons I updated my Raspberry Pi to the latest Raspbian (Stretch) which also allowed me to get a slightly more decent build of PD, 0.47.1.
Since doing that I can't seem to get any MIDI input in PD, no matter what startup flags I use. Most tellingly, if I run pd -nogui -listdev
I get the following list:
audio input devices:
- bcm2835 ALSA (hardware)
- bcm2835 ALSA (plug-in)
- Teensy MIDI (hardware)
- Teensy MIDI (plug-in)
audio output devices: - bcm2835 ALSA (hardware)
- bcm2835 ALSA (plug-in)
- Teensy MIDI (hardware)
- Teensy MIDI (plug-in)
API number 1
no midi input devices found
no midi output devices found
I find it very odd that it lists my Teensy MIDI device as an audio input and output, and also says that no midi input or output devices have been found. It is somewhat understandable that my patches will not therefore recognise any midi activity, but I don't understand why PD isn't seeing the MIDI devices.
If I run aconnect -o
I can see that the Raspberry Pi recognises the device:
client 14: 'Midi Through' [type=kernel]
0 'Midi Through Port-0'
client 20: 'Teensy MIDI' [type=kernel,card=1]
0 'Teensy MIDI MIDI 1'
and if I run aseqdump -p 20
the MIDI data comes streaming through normally. I'm interpreting this to mean that the MIDI device is working, and the alsamidi system is working on the rPi. My only explanation is that something has changed in PD 0.47.1 to create this bug?
I am thinking about starting from scratch and installing Raspbian Jessie instead to test and see if this works, but I'd like to avoid that if possible! Any ideas?