inspired by the lissajous-tryout patch from @nau and based on the xy abstraction from @ingox i made a lissajous 2 voice midi sequencer. its not finished, but i am surprised from the musical results. have fun lissa-seq.pd (updated)
Lissajous Midi Sequencer
@Jona I have absolutely no idea what is going on in this patch, but the sequences are really quite beautiful.
@weightless thanks. i also just discovered lissajous, and thought how to make music with. its just an experiment. heres the patch from nau:
@Jona This is really great, I hadn't heard of Lissajous either, most inspiring
i tried to optimize the parameters and their ranges. still one has to search for the sweet spots, but i think its easier to find nice patterns than before. it can be interesting to change the parameters in very small steps. and now it has an endless motion without jumps: lissa-seq_b.pd
i made a version with different visuals: structfun2.pd
in this patch i combined the old and the new visual appearance: structfun5.pd