• argitoth

    attached is the patch. For some reason, if I set the sigmund to below hop size of 64, it stops functioning. It is crucial that I am able to set sigmund lower than 64, ideally a hop size of 8 or 4.

    This is easily accomplished in Max/MSP. Sigmund functions with any hop size provided the vector size is at least as low as the hop size.

    Has anyone had any similar problems with sigmund?

    Edit: Sigmund's 2nd outlet measuring amplitude does seem to function even if the pitch output does not. So that tells me it is working, except it cannot detect pitch if the hop size is below 32.


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  • argitoth

    Using a low vector size, scheduler in overdrive, and audio interrupt uses a large amount of CPU, but it seems to be getting the results/accuracy I am after. Is there an equivalent high CPU high precision mode in PD, and how do I enable it?

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  • argitoth

    Hello again,

    I am wondering if anyone would like to make a PD patch for me. I'm willing to pay for your time.

    I need a PD program to split sound into individual harmonics. The sounds will not be complex, it should be easy for anyone who knows their way around PD. Respond here or contact me directly: argitoth at gmail dot com

    Thank you!

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  • argitoth

    This is a continuation of my thread: hard sync a wave file / wavetable to a frequency?

    I've solved my needs for hardsyncing acoustic waves, but I now require one additional tool to avoid unwanted wave distortions/artifacts. What I need to do is to take a wav file (let's say an hour long) and isolate a number of frequencies bands. I am essentially isolating harmonics. Assume I am trying to isolate individual harmonics of a 100hz saw wave. The acoustic waves I will be working with will be very similar to that (in perfect tune, no noise, etc.) for example:

    a frequency band of 70hz - 120hz to capture a harmonic at 100hz

    a frequency band of 160hz - 240hz to capture a harmonic at 200hz


    all the way up to a harmonic at 10,000hz

    Haven't used PD much. Any help is appreciated. I at least would like to know if this is possible with PD. I am not familiar with the FFT objects.

    -Assuming there is no noise in the wave file, will the harmonics come out as nice pure sine waves without clicks, buzzes, etc?

    -I need to export wav format as 32bit and anywhere from 96khz to 512khz sample rate. Each band must be its own wav file.

    Thank you!

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  • argitoth


    I am a sample library developer (www.soundemote.com) and also do work for various sample library companies. I am looking for a way to take a sample, say a guitar pluck, and stretch/compress the audio so that every cycle of the guitar pluck wave is exactly synced with a sine wave, say at 440hz (A4).

    Essentially I want to phase lock an imperfect acoustic tone to a perfect digital tone.

    To start simple, let's just think of the guitar pluck as just another sine wave, but not perfectly in tune. I ultimately plan on having the guitar pluck reduced to its fundamental for the calculation of stretching/compressing.

    Another way of thinking about this: Take a sine wave sample at 440hz swinging from +1 to -1 amplitude. Every 2nd time it crosses 0, that is a cycle. Take another sine wave, say 441hz. Cut that up into its individual cycles, then reassemble them so that each piece is compressed to match the length of the cycle of the 440hz sine. That's what I want to do to acoustic samples

    If this could be accomplished, it will make a lot of people happy and I'm wondering if PD might be the right software to accomplish this.

    Is it possible with PD? And... where do I start?

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  • argitoth

    So, i have phasor~ (saw oscillator) and noise~ (white noise generator)

    you can't connect a signal outlet to a control inlet. so I need a noise generator that generates control isntead of signal.

    finally, I want to be able to filter that noise generator to produce variable speeds of random frequency modulation. that means I need to be able to filter or slew control signals, right?

    Basically what I need is a variable speed random control generator.

    very confusing!

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  • argitoth

    gonna bump this... really need some kinda clue. I had a friend try it on his computer, same result. sigmund stops working if hop size is set lower than 64 despite block~ size being lower than 64.

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  • argitoth

    so I was really thinking I would not go and buy Max because PD is clearly more practical for what I want to do, but I've hit a roadblock... with block... pun intended.

    I can't get sigmund to function below a hop size of 64. The hop size can only be as low as the block size. So I put [block~ 32] and set hop size to 32, and sigmund stops working, even though giving a print command reveals it is correctly set to a hop size of 32. If the [block~] is 64, and you put hop of 32, then sigmund shows a hop size of 0 (means it's REALLY not working).

    ugh, so frustrating! I thought this would be the ONE thing I could depend on.

    hmm, no attachment function? alright.
    please see if this patch works, just hit the metro on button.
    I just want to get sigmund ultimately to work at a hop size of 8. It works fine in max. :\

    Edit: I'm getting this error if this helps at all
    "conflicting block~ objects in same page
    vd~: vd~: no such delwrite~"

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  • argitoth

    @jancsika said:

    For complex patches, throwing everything in a [block~ 1] subpatch could very quickly eat up all of your resources.

    Sweet, because that's exactly what I want.

    How much of an 8 core CPU can PD make use of? Seems like Max/MSP can't make use all my CPU.

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  • argitoth

    SOO..... if you can just set block~1, then why do I see a lot of complaints about things not being sample-accurate in PD? Is that simply because some objects can go as low as 1 block, and others can't?

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  • argitoth

    So then... what about things happening simultaneously... and possibly sample-accurate? Is that never a guarantee on PD or Max?.. I guess Max has Gen so that might solve the problem.

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  • argitoth

    thanks for the info.

    smallest in Max/MSP is 1. I like to use 8 because I am doing timing-critical processing, it needs to be nearly sample accurate.

    Also, why is it a drawback that PD doesn't trigger the next part of the patch until the array has been filled? Seems like a good thing.

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  • argitoth

    all it is.... is an FFT filter that isolates frequency from here to here. 90hz to 110hz for example.

    then all the complexity of the patch builds on that very simple concept.

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  • argitoth

    still looking for someone

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  • argitoth

    I am continuing this thread under a new name: What is the best way to isolate FFT frequency bands?

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  • argitoth

    Yes, that is why it is importable to use an FFT to isolate the fundamental, and my tests have proven my technique requires tools that are already available, no math needed, at least not from my brain, because I am horrible at math compared to what would be needed to write code for PD. But surely the modules already created by others will be sufficient. Because I run into ridiculously stupid problems using the tools created by DSP companies, I will be exploring PD in the future for tuning and denoising. Based on what I know using the software I use, I bet the PD modules can do better just because I will be able to "have more say" (more flexibility) in what PD does.

    There are no tools for sample processing, and it is incredibly frustrating. I have to use tools meant for vocals and speech. I think with PD I can finally create tools specifically for sampling.

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  • argitoth

    Great, that's the first step, knowing it's possible. Thanks Katjav!

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  • argitoth

    I need to stretch/compress each period of the wave so that each cycle is equal length. Is this where you're going, sebfumaster?

    I don't actually use PD right now, but I think it would be a great resource for denoising and tuning.

    I am currently exploring a solution using REAPER and scripts. I was already able to do what I am after, using REAPER and manually editing the files with a text editor. All I need to do now is create scripts to manipulate the text, so that's what I'm working on now. REAPER can already find the 0 crossing and reduce samples to a fundamental. But the end result may or may not be good enough without further analysis of the original wav and smarter algorithms (PD might do a better job).

    Maybe I need to post some before/after results, images, stuff like that so we are on the same page. Will get back to this thread.

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  • argitoth

    I don't want to cut a wave per say, that is just my example of "how one might think about the process." I don't care what process is used to get to the final goal. The final goal is simply "have the period of an acoustic wave sample to be equal lengths throughout" Actually, syncing to a sine wave is not necessary, the sine wave was there just to reference a musical note / frequency / period. I can manually tune the sample to any pitch once the period is fixed, but that's all I really need. Fixed period lengths.

    Thank you for your explanation so far! Please continue to respond until we are on the same page. You might have already given a good solution, it's just a bit over my head right now.

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