Hi Folks,

I have been working with the following patch to detect the frequency of beating interaction between adjacent strings on my guitar. The dream is to extract this instrumental 'figurative gesture' and assign it to a low frequency oscillation in real-time.

At this point, I am looking for suggestions on how to improve this process and make it performance-ready. Comparing sine wave-based oscillators with a guitar string is like comparing apples and oranges, so I was hoping some of you that have a guitar handy might test it out and make some suggestions.

Edit - For example; I have a simple expression in place in an attempt to provide a frequency threshold between a tracked frequency and the computation of instantaneous amplitudes implemented by Katja. It has been suggested that this may be better suited to MIDI notes instead of frequencies.

The patch is based on Katja's [helmholtz~] object: http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-6776-helmholtz-guess

The patch also uses [pulser~] in order to manipulate the 'pulse width,' attempting to reflect gesture in another audio event; available from: http://puredata.info/downloads/lyonpotpourri/releases/2.0

I look forward to hearing your thoughts,

