This is my first post I have been wondering around here for awhile. My first tech project was in multitouch but I'm a musician by nature. I have wanted to do a key-taur VJ battle for awhile now and I'm starting to get it going. The key-taur will only have 5 keys but it will also have a pick pad that uses a fiducial tracker AKA Reactavision to further modulate samples and video. I have attached my first version of the patch and want to know what other people think and how I might be able to improve it.

I have fiducial tracking manipulating the size of the rectangle the video is textured on right now. It will definetly not be that way in the end.

We plan to wire up anrduino to drive the buttons and led's on the key-taur. I imagine I will need some help when I get to that part. We want to have a working version of the key-taur in about two months. Also we are thinking about adding an accelerometer for even more modulation capabilities. We plan to make two and our theme is analog versus digital even thought we are not taking that to the maxis. The analog key-taur will be corded but we are trying to make the digital one wireless.

So print out some fiducials if you don' have a set and give this thing a try.